At Mozilla, we believe in a world where a healthy advertising industry and individual privacy can co-exist. We’re advancing the technology to make it happen.
A core tenet of the Mozilla Manifesto is that user privacy is fundamental and non-optional. Common practices in digital advertising today are problematic — putting personal data at risk and tracking people across websites without their knowledge or permission.
With strong data practices and technologies, it’s possible to target, optimize and measure ads while preserving people’s privacy. Data is a critical ingredient in driving effective advertising. Other industries, like healthcare and financial services, have evolved their data practices and embraced privacy — the advertising industry can too.
No single company can or should be able to change the entire ecosystem. We invite collaboration with and innovation from governments, civil society, advertisers, publishers and ad tech companies to achieve these goals together.
Commercial involvement in the development of the internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial profit and public benefit is critical.