Wale whit Firefox Stravaiger tae doonload in yer leid

Everyone deserves access to the internet — your language should never be a barrier. That’s why — with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world — we make Firefox available in more than 90 languages.

1. Browser: Firefox Extended Support Release Choose a different product

2. Platform: Choose from the list below Get hauners

Lairn aboot instawers

  • 64-bit instawers

    Wale a 64-bit instawer fur computers wi 64-bit processors, which alloo them tae allocate mair RAM tae parteecular programs — gey haundy fur gemmes and ither demandin applications.

  • 32-bit instawers

    Wale a 32-bit instawer fur computers wi 32-bit processors — or fur aulder or no sae pouerfu computers. If ye arenae siccar whether tae wale a 64-bit or 32-bit instawer, we recommend ye gang wi 32-bit.

  • MSI instawers

    Windows instawers fur corporate IT that mak seemple the confeeguration, deployment and management o the Firefox Stravaiger.

  • ARM64/AArch64 instawers

    ARM64/AArch64 installers optimized for Windows and Linux PCs.

3. Language: Choose a platform to continue

4. Download: Choose a platform to continue